Its been a while since the last time I dropped my thoughts in here...It just seems to be so cloudy (tiring)and my feeling seems to be focused more on my kicking baby HJ..LOL.this time when i opened my account...i saw my SIS post talking about "Ber" months by which my heart jumps into a joyous thoughts of a wonderful celebration.I couldn't help it..but thinking of some wonderful gifts to share..WOW!!!
How i hope and pray I could have lots of stuffs to wrap this year.Im not dreaming to be Santa...but I could be more generous than Santa.And its trully a wonderful and unexplained feeling when you give to someone else than to received.
Wearing out but still on the winning side
2 years ago
sis nindota to matuman na mga items na akong ipanghatag..he..he..I know God has His ways and He will grant the desires of our hearts to please our loveones...
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